This is my nephew Levi... who had the final tournament for rugby in Texas 2 weekends ago. Their team spanked Texas, winning the A&M tournament and are the Division Champs! He has been scouted by both University of Texas and University of Oklahoma... but because if his fine playing skills at this tournament the Aussies are now fiercly courting him to go play professionally in Australia! Can we say WOO HOO?!
He is such a well rounded young man, and in spite of all of the politics and stuff that happens when you are an athlete and more than one institution wants you, he just said "yanno Auntie.. all I wanna do is be a chiropractor in sports medicine". Don't let that fool you into thinking that it makes him less competitive, because the boy can play! He won MVP for the season, and for the final game. HOORAH! He is just one of those young men that can do anything. He has in his young life, raced motocross on the amateur circuit until he got bored, played football, was scouted for team Canada for baseball but declined, ski's, runs, you name it he just can do it all. And I am really proud of him for just being so blessed, and so humble. On top of that it is especially cool considering that none of the rest of us are that graceful and athletic! LOL!
His facial expression in this first one.. kills me. I think he learned that from me~ :D It would also be good evidence as to why the only required equipment is a cup... HANDS! HANDS!

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