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Location: United States

A very outgoing 30-something. Transplanted from Western Canada to Southern USA. An avid reader, prolific writer, and a musician.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Curious George

Ok so I have this friend that I have been talking to for years. Met on the internet, and have never met face to face. We have shared some pretty personal and private things with each other, good times and bad, and have developed a deep mutual respect for each other. Through it all he just maintains an aura of mystery... like you never fully know what he's thinking, or who he is. He has had so much go on in his life, that it makes complete sense as to why he maintains a sort of "arms-length" distance between everyone... including his family.

Anyhoo... I have this quirk about me.. where I always pay attention to people that matter to me. To what they think...and say... and feel.. and do. Shocking I know.. especially in this MEMEME! day and age. So over the years I have gathered some facts about him, and just the other day I was thinking about him for some reason, and I just started putting these facts together. Firstly, he is always around, not seeming to have to work. Travels when he pleases, and has seen the world. That combined with various comments leads me to believe he is independantly wealthy. Which could mean that he hit the jackpot and won the lottery, if it weren't for some comments and cultural proclivities that just your average ho.. er joe... would not have. Secondly, he is secretive... very very secretive. Kinda in the 007 Bond way thats both sexy and annoying as hell. He only gives you just enough information to whet your appetite, and then goes back to just making smiley faces 'n shit and then pretends "oh I fell asleep" when the questioning gets too close. And if you know me.. you know I'm. gonna. ask. Thirdly, I have seen pictures of him and have even seen him on cam, and his clothing sometimes is deceptively "westernized", but I have also seen him in robe-like apparel... so.. it leads me to think one of a few things.

Either my friend likes to wear womens dresses (robes), or he's a Prince.. yeah thats it. Better yet.. I have it!!! He's the Sultan of Brunei, and Im the next conquest~ *dreamy sigh*. oh shit, work calls... I'll have to think on this fantasy later! hehehe


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