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Location: United States

A very outgoing 30-something. Transplanted from Western Canada to Southern USA. An avid reader, prolific writer, and a musician.

Monday, November 29, 2004


Yes peeps... Keep It Simple Stupid. This year for Thanksgiving, I decided to quite bitching and moaning about being away from all of my family, and just enjoy a simple time with my husband, my father-in-law, and my step-daughter. Instead of busting my ass to perform the most amazing culinary feats imaginable, I made a plan, constructed a menu for the 12 days they were visiting, and kept it so that the hostess (Moi) could make it through without becoming an alcoholic. I mean really, just because I love the holidays, what in the sam hell is the purpose of me having to make a Super Martha Stewart Holiday Extravaganza Spiced Minced Super Duper Over The Top Broasted With Rare Eritrean Spices And Exclusive Napa Valley Wine And Appetizers To Die For Oh My Gawd! I mean really.

The only thing I did stick to this year was that I refuse to become one of the sheep that get lured to malls and stores at some ungodly hour of the morning.... just to watch grown folks make complete and utter asses of themselves just to save a couple of bucks. I've been done with my Christmas shopping for a while.. thank God... and so I stayed home, puttering and making homemade soup, watching DVD's and just enjoying each other's company.

I think Ill make sure Christmas is that way too. Except I know Im going to need a marguerita or three to handle my sister.


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