Fed Up
I have decided that I am going to quit my job. It's such a freeing and scary feeling all at the same time. I have always been a great employee (toot toot), and have prided myself in being good at what I do, as well as always going above and beyond the call of duty. Growing up in Canada, and having my work ethic developed there through not only example of my parents, but the sheer fact that if you don't work.... and do it well.... you just won't have a job to worry about. None of this pansy assed PC crap, no free pass because of your color or heritage or gender. For those of you that know me, you can probably guess how many times I have had to bite my tongue and not just blurt my thoughts and feelings out, or how many times I have just had to walk away before my facial expression gave me away. Too many to count. I am extremely organized and thorough, mostly out of learning to CYA. Cover Your Ass. I am always courteous to people, and respectful of my boss or their authority.... but there comes a time in life where you just cannot allow anyone... especially someone with an agenda to treat you like you are the red headed step child and are somehow less than.
Yesterday was that day for me. I could bore with the details, lets just suffice it to say that Cruella made the wrong decision to try and embarrass me in front of 6 co-workers over an issue that had nothing whatsoever to do with me or my work, but was solely her responsibility. I sat there, stunned for a moment... and in a flash my decision was made. Sometimes you have to say what the fuck. In your lifetime people will come and go, husbands, boyfriends, children grow and leave, people die.... all you truly have in life is your integrity, and if you compromise that you have lost. I was livid, but thats a good thing. I was so angry I was deadly calm. You know that good indignant place where you calmly lay someone open without getting all weepy n shit. Thankfully I have a husband with a great job that gives me the ability to make that choice without being held back in fear, however yesterday was an affront to me personally, and I would have made that choice regardless. I have spoken with the Big Cheese already this morning, and informed them that I will be giving notice, and explained why. Within an hour I had an offer to stay with a pay increase. Sorry, money does not buy my integrity.
So, now I'm looking ahead at something new. I am actively looking for new work. And considering when I will give my written notice and how long I will be here. I don't know when I will be done, because I do have class, and I will train someone new. I am looking forward to what may lie ahead. Perhaps I will follow my heart and start my own business.. who knows.... the future is mine.
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