Tick Tock Clock
So my biological clock has been nearing the alarm stage for a little while.... and it's driving me crazy. Seriously. I have always said that there is plenty of time, that I wanted to be sure... you know all of those things. In high school I watched as all of the other girls paired off with one of the guys, all of them too immature to even consider marriage, but all of them too horny, and too guilt ridden to fuck without being married. You see I went to a christian private school. No, we must not see the private dangly bits of the guys unless you are married to them. Within 6 months of graduation 98% of the graduating class were married.
I went on to work, sing in a band, party, travel and generally just have a good time. My older sister got married at 18, without graduating, and at 5 months pregnant. I was 13. He happened to be a very abusive man, and my sister wasn't terribly mature herself. So I was fortunate to see plenty of things that I did not want to happen with me, and I took the necessary precautions to ensure it.
Turning 25 and watching all of my friends start to get divorces, and raise children on their own, kinda reinforced to me that I made the right decision. I saw my older sister resented that she had 4 children and never went anywhere except locally.... and yet I was traveling all over Canada and the US. I thought it would have been obvious that it was in her control not to get pregnant LOL. Silly me!
Anyway...when I was turning 30, didn't bother me in the least. Everyone around me kept watching to see if I was going to have a breakdown. OMG shes not married... no babies. I was quite happy actually. It just never came. But in order to console all my family and close friends, because THEY were having the breakdown, I bought a sports car. hehehe
Now I am 37... and I am feeling the need. I'll keep you posted to see if its the real need or if its just time for me to hit the snooze button again.
Careful what you wish for, you could end up witha kid like me. :)
A car is like a baby anyway. ;)
hehe that wouldn't be so bad. Where's the turkey baster?
I volunteer ... No need for the baster.
LOL! hey hay HAY! I didn't say right this moment. :)
And Zoog.. I like your face... icky or not :D
I'm good with whenever. Just as long as I get to do the seed planting myself ;-)
Hi there sexy
(great pic-thank you)
I understand your need. I'm not yet 30 but my BeaDaddy Alert keeps sounding. I keep looking at the Dodge Magnum thinking...I could take my kids to football in that and still be cool.
Chrome darlin... you would look good no matter what the ride.
But see, I would be looking at the Magnum thinking hmm... I wonder if the seats go all the way back,if peeps could see me through the tint, and how to tell junior he was conceived in the car. :D
LOL oooh girl you can't scare me. I was my sister's coach 4 times, and was my best friend's coach twice. I was made to be a momma. And all the toxemia, swelling, bloating, bitchiness, depression, numbness and general shit happens stuff... doesn't scare me :P
Damnit Zoogs, why you gotta be all cockblockin and shiznit?!?! Get up out my grill yo! Fo Reel Tho, I would make a great baby daddy.
Man I really love sounding all cracka gangsta. To hell with doing it in the car Vixx, we'll do it on the hood :)
Please don't breed with Sam??? That just wasn't cool man.
Dear God, why am I crazier than a pet coon?
*cryin laffin*
Zoogs ... I did follow the ugly child comment up by saying that you were hot now. It's funny how a line item veto of comments makes them sound totally different. :P
Video camera hell, I'll be webcasting. www.watchmefuxxvixx.com
hey HAY HAY! excuse me willis, but leave me outta the ugly child mess. You will so not be webcasting anything. :P
Lawd how this digressed.
How to make a negative comment a positive one.
"You will so not be webcasting anything. :P"
I noticed you didn't completely shoot me down and say it wouldn't be happening, just that I couldn't show it on the webcast. :) /me does the happy dance :P
*sigh* Nevermind
Well, my statement about doin it in the back of your "baby" still stands. Even the front........but all this talk about the hood has peaked my interest.
HAHAHAHA Chad! lolol. whew. I needed that. And thank you... your offer.. is intriguing :)
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