Well it has been 5 years now, since I moved here....and lately I have been reflecting more on the time that has passed. Much more drama has occurred in 5 years than should ever happen in a family, and in my humble opinion was for the most part unnecessary. I am a very straight forward person, I don't harbor secret grudges or sneak out of bed in the middle of the night to poke pins into voodoo dolls of my detractors. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I spend a great portion of my day laughing and being happy... because I am a pretty upbeat happy person. I married into a family of Negative Nellies, and all the bitching and moaning just well... pisses me off. M has some issues that I completely understand and sympathize with, however it just seems that in the last 2 years especially, he is becoming more and more neurotic over things he cannot control. There are just days when I feel like I am gonna stab him in the eye with a fork if he doesn't.stop.bitching. It's not so much bitching as it is being negative, always seeing the bad in things.
The latest thing that has brought this behavior out, is the demon spawn moving (yet again). She is 23 years old, and quite frankly, NEEDS to be on her own to learn a little gratitude for the things she takes for granted. Don't get me wrong, her father needs his tail whipped too for enabling that.. for just taking over and running the show without ever giving her a little push to learn to stand on her feet. Any of you that know me, know that I'd give the shirt off my back for anyone.. but play me for a fool? AWW HELL NO. But she is sticking to her guns this time, and 6 months from now or a year from now will probably need bailing out (again). I think it is good for her, but I am dreading the torture of his manic worry and depression that comes about from not being able to control it all. Jesus.. give me a break already and make him grow up!? *heh* Sorry I bust out in prayer a lot like that lol.
What ever happened to enjoying your time when the kids grow up and move out. I mean DUH we are all going to worry about their well being, but does that mean you just roll over and die and have no life of your own? I am only 37 and I have no intention of shriveling up to moan and worry... I will live...and laugh.
Here is my funny for the day... in my case... the roles be reversed tho *chuckle*.

Is itchy a mood??? HEH!
only first thing in the morning! *grin*
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