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A very outgoing 30-something. Transplanted from Western Canada to Southern USA. An avid reader, prolific writer, and a musician.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Hello... McFly!

It has been a long time since I've commented on stupid people news stories, but after last night's evening news broadcast I cannot resist. If natural selection was indeed allowed to play out, I am guessing neither of these stellar members of my community would exist. Is there any wonder I despise Buttcrack?

Moron #1 – This grandmother was in her home, along with her 11-year-old grandson who lived with her, when a fire broke out. The fire demolished the woman's house as well as her neighbor's home and severely damaged a second neighboring house on the other side. 12 people are now homeless. The grandson started the fire by playing with a lighter on the mattress his grandmother was sleeping on. When she awoke, she reacted by trying to shove the mattress outside. It got stuck in the doorway, thus the whole house went up.You might think that is the stupid part. Actually, my favorite part of the story was the grandmother's interview on the broadcast last night. And I quote, "He always play wit matches and lighters. He always startin' fires. I guess he likes da smell or sumthin'. I doan know wat his problem is." Beautiful. Despite the fact that this kid obviously had some serious problems that were ignored, I guess 15 minutes of fame is more important than a liability suit. Then again, $20 says they don't have insurance.

Moron #2 – My personal favorite. A woman was arrested this week on felony child abuse and neglect charges. You see, earlier in the day she had gone to Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court for a custody fight, presumably to argue that she is a good and fit mother. And where was her 6-month-old daughter while she was in court? A police officer noticed her locked in Mom's car in the parking lot.

Moron #3 - I could go on and on about this lovely idiot.. er piece of work.. er honorable Mayor of our illustrious city, however his own words speak volumes. And I quote... "The only way to institute change, is when the education of the white students in the surburbs is affected."

Nuff Said.

To think, we have laws to protect people like this from themselves. Nothing like diluting the gene pool.


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