Knuckle Draggin Retards

Like I said earlier this morning, the world is full of knuckle draggin retards... especially in the part of the world I currently live in. I am eternally frustrated by the morons who cut me off daily, trying to squeeze between my TRUCK, and the other vehicle in front of me... but silly me.. they think they can because I am the only one on the highway who doesn't tailgate! I actually leave *gasp* enough room between my vehicle and the next, just in case i have to slow down..quickly! Not to mention the gang-bangers that get a hair up their ass for no reason, and decided.. oooh.. lets just pick on a woman, and see if we can dive at her car with ours, and make her cry. They only do this to me when I drive my sportscar to work, which thankfully isn't so often anymore. The truck lets me know that I can take them out, if the need arises. Teehee. I've seen them pull out a gun, try and run me off the side of the road, actually succeed with drivers right in front of me. You name it.. I see it on my hour long commute each way. Not to mention that they are doing construction on the freeway (for 2 fucking years now), and our detour is through the heart of the ghetto. Great.
I think I mentioned this before, but one day last summer, I was driving in, and I stopped at a light. Now keep in mind, that in this ghetto, I pass drug dealers, gangs and whores, daily. There sitting on the curb was a crack whore.... obviously strung out, with the nastiest dirty clothes on smoking a cigarette, or should I say letting it hang by itself off of her lip. When she realizes that the traffic is stopped.. and windows are down, she starts yellin... "You want some of this... LOOK BITSCHHH (slurring of course)"... so I see in my rearview mirror that all of us are going to look... she pulls her legs up to her chest... along with her skirt... then spreads em for the whole road to see her nasty crackwhore self.... spreads herself wide and yells, "Now THATS what Im talkin about!" Cackling. Welcome to my world motherfuckers.
This world is full of pathetic people. I discovered some time ago that my habit of always looking for the best in everyone was usually a waste of time. WYSIWYG is not just a term describing an easy to use windows program. Most people are inherently assholes so I have reverted to this behavior when in doubt.
Trust me Sam.. I have taken that same high road many many times since moving here to Buttcrack! LOL
mmmmmmmm BABY, put that shit on a plate and get me a fork.
I try to stay out of areas like that. They scare me.
LOL I would if I could... the other way to work, is far worse. *ugh*
You could always live in Iowa.
Seriously, I haven't seen a crack whore where I live.. ever. Just fat farmers with their fat wives .. some cows, pigs and corn.
I think you have to have a serious talk with hubby-boy there.
As you can tell from my post, I have seen far more than I should. The cultural adjustment has been wicked to say the least :). Can I come stay with you? hehe
Thank you for the comments. I posted one last story for the road. I was going to post it tomorrow.... I figure it's a good one for my very last. It's a fuuny one.
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