What in the.....
As you know by now, my step daughter has decided that she is a lesbian now. The reason I say it this way, is because there are many reasons why I believe she is just going through this period of exploration and doesn't really quite know what she wants. I won't go into graphic personal detail, but lets just say that some of the sexual practices within the community are something she refuses to do. Nuff Said.
This all brings about very interesting conversations in our house, as she tries her utmost to talk about things in a worldly way to make herself look cool. What she didn't count on was that I am not like most typical parents (or older people *eyeroll*). I happen to have several gay friends (male and female), I happen to know a whole lot about bdsm etc, and am very wise and well read on many aspects of life. So when she tries to get some shock value out of bringing up various genital piercings at the dinner table (classy isn't it?), she usually tends to be a little set back when I say things like.. "Oh why would you want your tongue pierced 'to enhance sexual stimulation' when you refuse to go down on a woman?". *laff*
Anyway... she has shaved her head, which has completely disgusted her father, because she had the most gorgeous shoulder length sandy blonde hair that most women would scratch a bitches eyes out for. She decided that she needed to forsake femininity and exchange all of the accoutrements that go along with being a woman, like bras and panties and shoes and hair products, for skater wear, mens boxer shorts, mens shoes, binding her breasts to look like she has none, and shaving her head. Now keep in mind she HATES it when we go to the mall and people stare at her all shocked. Not to mention that she cannot carry of the diesel dyke impersonation very well while looking like a timid pup. She just doesn't have the road hard put away wet tude down. Thank God.
I have no idea why it seems to be so important to the younger people of today to lable themselves something, anything. Why being gay or bisexual is the new "fad". Don't get me wrong. I am far from being a prude, but I am a realist, and I do know that sex, even when done for the sake of just being sex, can be damaging to some who have no blessed idea who, what, or why they are doing what they do. Sex has become just something everyone does.... and usually with whomever comes along. What I find the most sad, is that in this day and time, with all of the advancements, education and liberation, the US is gradually having several epidemics happen, and people just dont seem to care. AIDs is morphing again, STD's are highly on the rise, especially in the 15 - 30 yr old bracket. And Im talking about things like syphillis, gonorrhea, herpes,... all things that "USED" to be taught and educated about, with many ways to prevent them, are now rampant again. No wonder young people are confused.
The newest thing she wants are tattoos, face piercings and she was even looking at having lacing done. For those of you that don't know, this is what it looks like.

Heaven help us.
Not what I had in mind when you said lacing. YIKES. Well maybe it'll look good on her with the bald head and all. Shine that bitch up baby. Be bald be proud.
*I* was thinking, one tug on that bad boy and she would learn a lesson thats for sure. LOL
Looks like it has potential as a harness. As for the bald look .... Melissa Ethridge did it because of cancer, Sinead O'Connor was a freak ... I can't imagine what would make a girl do such a thing. Is she just fugly?
No actually, she is quite pretty.
See, I don't get that. I can see ugly women who have been rejected by men becoming lesbians as a rebellion. Now I understand a beautiful woman wanting to fuck another beautiful woman, but from what you say it sounds like this is just something to be different???? WTF?
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