MsVixx Secret Garden

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Location: United States

A very outgoing 30-something. Transplanted from Western Canada to Southern USA. An avid reader, prolific writer, and a musician.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Stress Management

Ok so I found two perfect solutions to relieving ones self of stress. I practiced both of these this morning, and after laughing myself silly, I thought I would share them both. Careful now... you may have too much fun. Happy PreHump Day!

P.S. when using the xylophone, you can change colors for different tones. go ahead, let your wild side loose. *snicker*

Monday, November 29, 2004


Yes peeps... Keep It Simple Stupid. This year for Thanksgiving, I decided to quite bitching and moaning about being away from all of my family, and just enjoy a simple time with my husband, my father-in-law, and my step-daughter. Instead of busting my ass to perform the most amazing culinary feats imaginable, I made a plan, constructed a menu for the 12 days they were visiting, and kept it so that the hostess (Moi) could make it through without becoming an alcoholic. I mean really, just because I love the holidays, what in the sam hell is the purpose of me having to make a Super Martha Stewart Holiday Extravaganza Spiced Minced Super Duper Over The Top Broasted With Rare Eritrean Spices And Exclusive Napa Valley Wine And Appetizers To Die For Oh My Gawd! I mean really.

The only thing I did stick to this year was that I refuse to become one of the sheep that get lured to malls and stores at some ungodly hour of the morning.... just to watch grown folks make complete and utter asses of themselves just to save a couple of bucks. I've been done with my Christmas shopping for a while.. thank God... and so I stayed home, puttering and making homemade soup, watching DVD's and just enjoying each other's company.

I think Ill make sure Christmas is that way too. Except I know Im going to need a marguerita or three to handle my sister.

Friday, November 05, 2004

No Sense at All

Personally I find the various reactions to President Bush's re-election quite humorous. I have been reading and listening and watching, as I have all through the campaign, and it never ceases to amaze me how far people can go with their heads up their ass. The ones that amuse me the most are those that either have an agenda of their own, or are just too ignorant to investigate for themselves and are all pissed off about something they know very little about.

The cheese eating surrender monkeys in France have their shit in a knot because.. gee... they just might be held accountable for their compliance with the Oil For Food business, and because now they won't be able to make decisions for Kerry about the wellbeing of this country. And lets not forget the extreme people that tell the Europeans to shove it up their asses and that if it wasn't for the USA... they would all be speaking German.

The gay and lesbian community is overwhelmingly depressed and feels betrayed that 11 states voted that marriage is defined as between 1 man and 1 woman. And somehow this is all Bush's fault too for being a Christian, and having moral values. They feel that this has somehow set back the whole movement. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against anyone that wants to uphold a union that takes one shitload of work to keep happy and strong, and keep those moral values that should accompany it.

There are even some democrats shouting that the election was once again stolen. That those early exit polls were right, and that when the actually numbers from voting stations came in... they were stolen and then given in Bush's favor. WTF is this Star Trek?

I keep seeing these commentaries about how bad off we are going to be, all doom and gloom. And the Hollywood people and gays wanting to move to Canada. Puhlease. They don't want your pitiful whining asses up there either. In Canada you have even less entitlement than you think you do here. Sure we may have one Province that ok's gay marriage, and there is that whole medicinal pot smoking issue... but you also have little issues like IMMIGRATION to go through before you can live wild and free. I guess though, that has become the mantra... when you don't get your way.. stomp your feet and run. The reason that other countries are coming out against Mr. Bush.. is because they know that if he says it.. he will do it. You would think that over all... that would be a more comforting thought than... "oh yes I will.. no I wont.. er yes... no... maybe?"

Monday, November 01, 2004

People are Strange

I had a very interesting weekend. M and I got home on Friday after work to find his brother and wife in our driveway. Totally unexpected or announced, and very much welcome. When I met my sister-in-law (R) for the first time, a mere 7 days after our wedding, I knew immediately that she was someone that would be in my life forever... no matter what. I love her to pieces, and the feeling is mutual. We laugh and cry and make fun of people and are like 2 peas in a pod.

Anyway, we decided that we wanted to head down to the casino's and play the slots etc for a while, and just all let our hair down. We get there and R & I head off to cause mischief while the boys took their gambling venture a tad more seriously. We kept hitting little wins, $20 or $30 but nothing big, but hell we were ahead and laughing our asses off. I always pay attention to what is going on around me, and who is near me etc. I noticed this lady about 6 chairs down, hunched over the machine, eyes glazed, sipping something toxic looking, and fingers yellowed from serious smoking. She just kept feeding the machine with bills, and I wondered how long she had been there. Here I was with my $20 in quarters thinking I hit it big when I won $20 back, and we would keep playing... but I knew that's all I was going to buy. Finally the bells and whistles go off, and she hit the jackpot winning $2500. Let me tell you that I would have been hootin and hollerin like I was a millionaire, but she just sat there and said, "well I can pay the rent still". Spoken like a true addict. When she got her money... she just strolled a few chairs over and sat down again.

R and I were off and running to the nickel slots... wooot... big time spenders we were. My money that I invested was paid back, and we came out a few hundred ahead, had a wonderful time playing and laughing.....but I still wonder if the rent ever really did get paid.

It reminded me hugely of my dead brother-in-law. He was an addict too, only of a more deadly kind. But the behavior and look was the same. And I am sure that her family are just as affected as we all were... after all... someone had to step up and take care of my sister and the 4 kids.

And pay the rent.