MsVixx Secret Garden

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Location: United States

A very outgoing 30-something. Transplanted from Western Canada to Southern USA. An avid reader, prolific writer, and a musician.

Monday, December 20, 2004

No More Sleeps!

WOOT! I am so excited! Today my mother arrives from Canada to spend the next almost 3 weeks with me. We have both been silly and counting down how many sleeps were left until she got here, and today is the day! It has been almost 4 years since I saw my mother, and I can hardly wait. I have been cooking and cleaning and fixing up her room, and trying to make everything just right so that we can spend lots of time just being together. I have been so worried about her health, and of course since I am not near her as I have been all my life, I cannot just drop by and make sure everything is ok. I am looking forward to spoiling her... and having her around.

Im sure there will be lots to post soon... :)

Monday, December 13, 2004


Ok I am definitely not liking this whole allergy thing. This past couple of months has been a trip to say the least. I ended up in the Emergency room about 6 weeks ago, because my tongue and face was swelling like a blowfish and starting to cause my throat to swell shut in anaphalactic shock. For no apparent reason. I spent the whole weekend and an additional couple of days patiently taking the medication prescribed, only to end up having to be off work for a couple more days because I was puking my guts out. Seems the Doc forgot to give me the one med to help my tummy not be so upset. *eyeroll* I went to an allergy specialist, went through all of the testing for a bazillion allergins, found out some neat things, but in general he told me that this "condition" was not unusual here in Buttcrack, TN, and that basically whatever was affecting me was causing my vessels to be swollen OPEN. Add to that... that this whole blowfish look could happen without notice, several times over the next 6 months. Oh Joy.

This past weekend was another adventure with swelling. This time though, I was pre-armed with the drugs and Epi-pen, and could combat it immediately without first going the the She-Woman task of waiting it out until I can't take it anymore. I usually do this when I try to pretend that I'm made of "stronger stuff" and don't NEED to go to the hospital. In my own defense, I am wonderfully healthy, and never end up with sniffles and or other things that usually plague most people. I don't take pills except for my BCP, and the occasional Tylenol, and so I don't take being sick very easily. This is just such bad timing for me too. I know that I have been stressing too much about the whole Holiday time... with all of the people coming, but man I just don't need this.

For now I will leave you with this.... it made me smile. Little things do entertain me!

Saturday, December 04, 2004